Who Are We?

We are a dynamic light opera and musical theatre company with a mission to bring quality live performance to the Reno-Tahoe area. 

At Firebird Light Opera, we believe in the transformative power of music, the beauty of storytelling, and the unifying force of live performance. Our talented artists, musicians, directors, and technicians collaborate to create exceptional productions that transport audiences to extraordinary worlds, leaving them spellbound and inspired. 

The name "Firebird" carries a profound significance for us. Just like the legendary bird that emerges from the flames, our company has risen from the ashes, overcoming challenges and embracing the spirit of resilience. We strive to embody this spirit in every aspect of our work, infusing each production with passion, creativity, and a commitment to excellence.

With a diverse repertoire that spans a wide range of musical genres, from classic operas to beloved musicals, we bring together the best of both worlds. Our performances blend the timeless elegance of opera with the vibrant energy of musical theater. We believe that this fusion creates a unique and unforgettable experience for our audiences.

Firebird Light Opera is more than just a company – we are a community. We cherish the bonds we forge with our dedicated performers, creative team, board members and loyal supporters. We strive to nurture the next generation of performers, ensuring that the flame of passion for light opera continues to burn brightly. Together, we celebrate the joy of artistic collaboration and live theater.

As we embark on this artistic journey, we invite you to join us on an adventure through the realms of music, theater, and imagination. Whether you are an ardent fan of light opera, a lover of musical theater, or simply seeking an unforgettable night of entertainment, Firebird Light Opera Company promises to ignite your senses, touch your heart, and create moments that will linger in your memories forever.

​Welcome to Firebird Light Opera!

A photo of all of the charter Firebird Light Opera Members at Gerber's Medical Clinic in Reno, taken June 2023. Fourteen members stand with EAD, Stephen Thompson and pianist, Carol House.